Shop Talk Live - Fine Woodworking

Fine Woodworking editor Asa Christiana is joined by senior editor Matt Kenney, managing editor Mark Schofield, and senior web producer Ed Pirnik in Shop Talk Live's third episode.

Direct download: shop-talk-live-episode-3.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:30am EST

Asa Christiana and Mike Pekovich answer questions from readers and offer up the inside scoop on how the magazine finds the top-notch craftsmen and women who grace Fine Woodworking's back covers.

Direct download: shop-talk-live-episode-2.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:00am EST

Asa Christiana and Mike Pekovich answer questions from readers and head into uncomfortable territory as Asa takes jabs at Mike for owning too many tools.

Direct download: shop-talk-live-episode-1.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:00am EST