Shop Talk Live - Fine Woodworking
STL 96: Tablesaws and Tool Tests

Fine Woodworking contributing editor Roland (a.ka., Rollie) Johnson talks about how the magazine test machinery, and drops a few details about  his latest head-to-head test: compact cabinet saws. Plus, our favorite techniques of the week, loads of sharpening advice, and yet another cool use of blue tape.

Direct download: shop-talk-live-episode-96.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

STL 95: Looking Back Fondly

Another Fine Woodworking staffer leaves the fold. Plus, favorite tools, inspirational articles, the value of choosing local woods, and the haunting of Gabriel?

Direct download: Shop-Talk-episode-95.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:21pm EST