Shop Talk Live - Fine Woodworking
STL 60: Dumpster Diving for Terrific Tools

Ed and Mike come clean regarding a hobby involving dirty dumpsters. Plus, your questions on workbenches, tablesaw adjustments, block plane sharpening, and more.

Direct download: shop-talk-live-episode-60.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am EST

STL 59: No Such Thing as Too Many Tools

Fine Woodworking contributing editor and self-described tool junkie Rollie Johnson takes your questions on power tools and machinery, and we reveal why anchor chain iron makes great chisels and plane irons. Yup, anchor chain iron. You heard right.

Direct download: shop-talk-live-episode-59.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EST

Conflicts arise as we duke it out over whether woodworking can be considered an "art." Plus, your questions on tablesaw splitters, nasty handplane tearout, high-priced Japanese chisels, and more.

Direct download: shop-talk-live-episode-58.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EST